Intro and Statement

This is a Work in Progress and the first Harry and Ginny fic I have written. I'm usually a dedicated Ron and Hermione writer, but as I'm getting a bit ah.. burnt out on those two, I thought I would try my hand at this.

Of course, JKR owns these characters, I'm not making any money off of them and basically, I'm just amusing myself and my friends. Thank you. Please don't sue me.

Also; later chapters will possibly be darker than a PG rating would allow.

Thanks for reading!

This area I will try use to explain certain things in the story (mostly name meanings or definition, probably)- for instance, the name Miracroix came to me as I was writing, but I was quite happy to find that Mira=prosperous (as in Prospero-more later) and Croix is french for cross but it is also a root of the world croire, which is to believe.

Quite serendipitous, no doubt about it.

Chapter Five: Nothing too new here. I should say that Professor Miracroix is based on my dear friend Laura, so any beauty and wisdom you see in her personality, you can thank her and not me. Of course, conversely, if you hate the character, you can blame me and not her. Savvy? =)

Chapter Six: This one was kind of iffy just from a personal standpoint because I want Harry to be a grown up (well, that's a loose term) but I don't want to end up writing a smut story either. So I implied rather than showed. I did re-write the beginning of this chapter a bit and I think it lost something, but such is the breaks of self-censorship.

Chapter Seven: If you notice some of the chapters now have names. lol I'm going back and renaming them. It's a weird process. Anyway, this chapter owes a lot to Search Encyclopedia.Com for helping me find pages that talked about Divination and the history of such. Of course, I took some liberation with the history and made it match our wizard story here, but that site really helped. The term Ewerahn is my made up name for the stone container that Miracroix uses. Ewer=jug or holder and rahn is just Christina talk for hey, that sounds cool. =)

Chapter 8 And so begins the big ending. Of part one, at any rate. A bit word to the wise, I have always imagined this story in two parts and didn't expect this part to be quite so long, but then I realized I need the back history. Anyway, these last three chapters were really hard to write. I hope JKR doesn't hate what I've done to her Ginny.

Chapter Nine: My shortest chapter. I'm not sure how that worked out that way but it did. Ten is next and it ends part one. Enjoy.

Chapter Ten: This one was hard to write, but it was also easy, once I got on the right tack. It was emotional for me, I hope some of that comes through. I hope everything I wanted to happen, happened. Only someone who writes will probably understand that.

Chapter 11: Okay, the basic structure of this one happened before I left for California. The prologue was added later in my desire to throw a bit of mystery in there. I'm not sure if that worked. lol The quoted part is a lyric from Sarah Mclachlan. It's a song that kept running through my head as I thought about Harry and Ginny. I'm cheesy like that when I write. :)

Chapter 12: I had a problem with the Latin in this one.. or at least, coming up with a proper sounding Toad reverting spell. It still doesn't work to me, but since I am no where near as brilliant as JKR, you guys are stuck with what I came up with. A note has to be made here about the way letters come from America- My friend Laura has a story about Harry winding up in America, and she employed the use of seagulls, since she set her school along the coast. I've quite basically stolen that great idea of hers. :)

Chapter 13: A very short chapter, sorry. By my mistake actually. For some reasons I gave myself two third chapters and no fourth one. Very strange. Anyway, this probably could of gone on the end of chapter 12, but then that would have been too long. Argh. Anyone still reading this? Yeah. Didn't think so.

Chapter 14: Another short one. In future versions I may just combine these two. But they do offer a nice segway as is. Decisions, decisions... Anyway, longer chapter due up next, don't worry.

Chapter 15: Okay, so this chapter is normal length as well. I lied. lol It just happened that way. You guys have to let me know if you want more details to things, to be honest. I could of described the party more, but I'm not sure how interested people would be in that. Anyway, there's a certain Moulin Rouge feel to this chapter, but maybe that's evident only to me. I get to see it in my head, after all.

Chapter 16: See! A longer chapter! The creation of Matilda Bowering just came to me as I was writing and I have to admit I sort of like the grouchy old bitty. Hopefully, this is where the mystery starts to deepn.

Chapter 17: Okay, some of you may be wondering where Hedwig was during the first part of the story, and the back info on that is that Harry had loaned her to the school and kept her there for Hermione to use after he'd left. She was then later brought back and given to Lupin to keep. I guess I could of gone into all of that but that's a bit boring, so here you go. A Hedwig footnote. :)

Chapter 18: Ah. This one was hard to write. Well, no, techincally it wasn't. But it was hard to perfect. I wanted that perfect combination of breaking up and moving on along with still being true to Neville and yet still not smashing his heart into a million pieces. All I can say is may we all have a Neville Longbottom in our lives sometime.. someone that loves us warts and all and still have the bravery to let us go.

Chapter 19: The long chapter. Please forgive my indulging myself with this one. I wanted Harry and Ginny to have a proper fight and make up period. Although I hope people don't think everything is settled between them. I've tweaked this chapter a lot and for better or worse, here it is. I am no responsible for any feelings of fluffiness you may experience. :)

Chapter 20: The story of the Forget Me Nots is true, as much as something that's a folk tale can be true. Something else I learned, blue is the rarest color of flowers and the hardest to cultivate, that's why gardners and people of their ilk enjoy them so much. Probably why they're thought to bring good luck. And what on earth is up with this Hermione fainting business... I'd be worried if I were you...

Chapter 21: Ah.. a short one but full of goodness. I must mention all references of Jones Academy/Merlin College come from my friend Laura, who is writing a Harry USA story and that is my way of putting in a nod to her. :) Love ya babe.

Chapter 22: Took a bit of liberty here with the story of Arthur and Molly. *smile* I sometimes think the Weasley's have a bit of the ol' Slytherin in them. I also took some liberties with medi-witches and what exactly it is they do. I figured it was something between what a Healer does and what a nurse does, for us Muggles. The name Brocklehurst you may remember from the books as Sarah's sister, Mandy was sorted in Ravenclaw, I believe in Harry's first year. Sarah is the elder. Just for those you like to know those things. :)

Chapter 23: Bit of real life in this one. Silphium was an herb the ancient Greeks used to hinder a woman's time of the month. It was such a wonderful little thing, that it was in very high demand and the Greeks outcropped it and drove it out of existence. I simply decided that Greek Wizards would have been smarter than their Muggle contemporaries and would have saved at least a sprig. *grin* My belief is that these Greek Wizards have sort of been keeping it to themselves and selling it to the highest bidder, really. Of course, the discoverery of the usefulness of Pennyroyal (also a contraceptive herb and still around) made the demand for Silphium drop and Greek wizards basically screwed themselves. Now they can only sell it to witches who are allergic to Pennyroyal. Most interesting that out of all the witches in the world Hermione had to be one of them, eh? *smile*

Chapter 24: I reckoned it was time we have a wizard wedding. *wink* How could I let it be anyone else but Ron and Hermione?

Chapter 27: Ah, sorry no updating. Not a lot to say. The story is kicking in here a bit. The next couple of chapters should prove ah.. interesting. Hopefully. Anyone still out there? Yeah.

Chapter 29: Okay. Here's where we get to my favorite part. I've indulged Harry and Ginny in the next few chapters because I found that I just couldn't stop writing scenes for them to explore their new found.. uh.. connection. There is another version of this chapter that I had to write for myself, that will never see the light of day probably, but it's there, the details... The Pablo Neruda quote is from one of my most favorite poems and I had to use it. Lightening-bolts, honey, loving. Aye. All Harry and Ginny.

2003-11-12 11:27 a.m.
